The 6th International Conference on Big Data and Business Intelligence

April 22-24, 2025, Patras, Greece

Registration Fees


At least one of the authors of the accepted paper must register for the conference and pay registration fees in order for the paper to be included in the ICBDBI’2025 Proceedings.
An accepted paper that does not have an associated registered author will not be included in the Proceedings.

The deadline for author registration is April 20, 2025.

A Student Registration is valid only and only if the first author of the accepted paper is a PhD or a master’s thesis student. A student is required to send by fax or email a scanned proof of his/her status.

Please instruct your bank that ALL transaction costs are at the payer’s (your) expense.

Please specify in your payment (e.g., in a comment field) the following expression: “Registration for ICBDBI’2025 paper ID” where ID is the ID of your paper (e.g., “Registration for ICBDBI’2025 paper 1122”).

Registration fees are as follows:

- Student Poster Presenter:    

- International Academic:   

- International Student Oral Presenter:   

- Maghrebian Academic Oral Presenter:    

- Maghrebian Student Oral Presenter:     

- Extra Page Charges:   50 Euros   per extra page;  

- Additional Paper:   .... Euros   for the second paper of the same author

- Industrial:    

- Listener Registration:   

Details for Payment by Bank Transfer:

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